Source code for compat_patcher_core.runner

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import functools

import six

from compat_patcher_core.exceptions import SkipFixerException

[docs]class PatchingRunner(object): """ This class is in charge of fetching relevant fixers from the registry, and applying them in a proper order, while skipping those who have already been applied (i.e same family name and ID) and those which raised SkipFixerException. """ # Helpful for autodocumentation settings_keys_used = [ "include_fixer_ids", "include_fixer_families", "exclude_fixer_ids", "exclude_fixer_families", ] _all_applied_fixers = [] # Class attribute with qualified fixer names! def __init__(self, settings, patching_registry, patching_utilities): assert settings, settings self._settings = settings self._patching_registry = patching_registry self._patching_utilities = patching_utilities @classmethod def _clear_all_applied_fixers(cls): # For testing only! del cls._all_applied_fixers[:] def _get_patcher_setting(self, name): """ Returns the value of a patcher setting. """ assert name in self.settings_keys_used # To track coherence value = self._settings[name] # For now, patching utilities validate their own settings, so we just check filters if name.startswith("include") or name.startswith("exclude"): assert value in ("*", None) or ( isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(f, six.string_types) for f in value) ), value return value def _apply_selected_fixers(self, fixers): fixers_just_applied = [] for fixer in fixers: fixer_qualified_name = fixer["fixer_qualified_name"] if fixer_qualified_name not in self._all_applied_fixers: self._patching_utilities.emit_log( "Compat fixer {}->{} is getting applied".format( fixer["fixer_family"], fixer["fixer_id"] ), level="INFO", ) try: fixer["fixer_callable"](self._patching_utilities) self._all_applied_fixers.append(fixer_qualified_name) fixers_just_applied.append(fixer["fixer_id"]) except SkipFixerException as e: self._patching_utilities.emit_log( "Compat fixer {}->{} was actually not applied, reason: {}".format( fixer["fixer_family"], fixer["fixer_id"], e ), level="WARNING", ) else: self._patching_utilities.emit_log( "Compat fixer {}->{} was already applied".format(["fixer_family"], fixer["fixer_id"]), level="WARNING", ) return fixers_just_applied def _get_sorted_relevant_fixers(self): # For now, we don't need to be able to force-send a `current_software_version` fixers_settings = dict( include_fixer_ids=self._get_patcher_setting("include_fixer_ids"), include_fixer_families=self._get_patcher_setting("include_fixer_families"), exclude_fixer_ids=self._get_patcher_setting("exclude_fixer_ids"), exclude_fixer_families=self._get_patcher_setting("exclude_fixer_families"), ) log = functools.partial(self._patching_utilities.emit_log, level="DEBUG") relevant_fixers = self._patching_registry.get_relevant_fixers( log=log, **fixers_settings ) # REVERSED order is necessary for backwards compatibility, more advanced # sorting might be introduced to help forward-compatibility fixers... relevant_fixers.sort( key=lambda x: (x["fixer_reference_version"], x["fixer_id"]), reverse=True ) return relevant_fixers
[docs] def patch_software(self): """Patch the software according to plans. Return a dict with, at least field "fixers_just_applied", the list of fixers that were successfully applied during this call. """ relevant_fixers = self._get_sorted_relevant_fixers() fixers_just_applied = self._apply_selected_fixers(relevant_fixers) return dict(fixers_just_applied=fixers_just_applied)